Greener with SITEX

Get Greener with SITEX!

By Sitex Corp   /    Wednesday, October 8, 2014   /   , ,

When you use a textile rental and laundry supply service, you’re investing in a greener tomorrow! Sound a little grandiose? Perhaps, but it’s not entirely wrong. If more people used commercial laundry services for their linens instead of trying to wash an equal volume themselves or use paper products, the world would be a better place.

Paper currently accounts for 1/3 of all municipal landfill waste! Cutting down on your paper usage will not only help manage landfills, but also helps to save trees. Most paper towels are made from virgin fibers, meaning that the fibers used to make paper come straight from a tree. According to the Mother Nature Network, if every American household replaced one roll of traditional, virgin paper towels with paper towels made from recycled fibers, 1.4 million trees would be left standing. Replacing your paper napkins with recycled ones could save another million trees; over 2 million trees saved, and that’s just in the U.S.!

If you decide not to use paper anymore in order to further reduce your personal and business’s environmental impact, did you know that hiring a laundry service can be more effective than trying to wash all the linens yourself? Not only will having your business’s linens picked up save you time and reduce your stress, but commercial laundry facilities, like SITEX, have more efficient machines than those sold for individual use. Commercial laundry facilities on average use 20-25% less water (larger laundry loads means fewer loads and overall less water), 10% less gas and 5% less electricity than if the same volume of laundry was done by individuals.

Hearing about recycled paper and commercial linens may have you asking, Okay, so I know that saving paper, water and energy are all good things, but won’t all of these things cost more?  No! Of course not! In addition to all these great environmental benefits, renting linens means you’ll save on up-front costs for purchasing and you won’t have to replace linens as they get worn out. You won’t have to invest in a washer or dryer, and you won’t have to spend money on detergent each month.

Essential Guide to Uniform Programs
If you just absolutely cannot avoid using paper products in your workplace, consider switching your paper to those made of recycled materials. If you are ready to make the switch to linens that will be picked up, laundered and delivered to you each week, contact SITEX! We’d be happy to discuss your linen needs with you and find the best products for your business.