Scandals and your business

What kind of image does your business have?

By Sitex Corp   /    Friday, July 1, 2011   /   , , ,

It’s easy to check out recent media stories and take your pick of which celebrity or politician to poke fun at right now and there’s no doubt some pretty amusing jokes have come at the expense of those involved.  Just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anothy Weiner, and Tiger Woods what their IMAGES are doing for them these days.

~”Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver have put their mansion on the market for 23 million dollars. The mansion is nice but it’s not all that clean. They had a maid, but she was always busy doing other stuff.” – Jimmy Fallon

~”STEVE MARTIN IS REALLY OILED AND BUFF. OMG, my Twitter account was just hacked.” – Steve Martin

~“Gatorade has officially ended their relationship with Tiger Woods. He was seeing at least five other sports drinks.” – Jay Leno

Will Arnold survive and have a movie comeback?  Will Weiner ever hold a political office again? Can Tiger focus enough to bring in the big wins?  These men were all at the top of their game and with one swift kick to their IMAGEs, their credibility diminished. At the end of the day your business IMAGE is just like the IMAGE of these “celebrities”…it’s one of the most important keys to becoming and staying successful.  You may have a good price, a nice product, and a productive salesman, but trying to stay afloat if your IMAGE takes a turn for the worse can be a very daunting task.  Your business IMAGE easily impacts the opinions of potential customers, partners, and employees.  Check out these five ways to create and keep a positive business Image.

Five Ways to Create and Keep a Positive Business IMAGE:

  • Custom Apparel/Employee Uniforms – Neat, Clean, and Professional!  You are a walking billboard and the first impression for your company’s image.  People believe what they see is what they get – corporate branding.
  • Positive Customer Testimonials – Let the customers that know you best tell others how great you are.
  • Personalized Customer Service – Pay attention to details.
  • Communication – Have clear ways for customers to communicate with you and pay attention to word of mouth advertising.  What are people saying about you?  Is it positive or negative?
  • Brian Power – Knowledge is power…Know your business inside and out!