Laundry detergent for washing

Pros and Cons of Homemade Laundry Detergent

By Sitex Corp   /    Tuesday, December 1, 2015  /   , , ,
In the same way that many businesses have been transitioning to a more eco-conscious mindset, so have many families. One easy way to transition to natural living is by replacing store bought products with homemade items, so you can oversee concentration and elimination of extraneous ingredients. Why switch to a natural laundry soap? Depending on…

Greener with SITEX

Earth Day + SITEX

By Sitex Corp   /    Monday, April 20, 2015  /   , , ,
Last month, we talked about our commitment to the environment and featured one of our partners, Washing Systems, LLC, for their work in creating a safer detergent and their award for their work towards conservation. In honor of Earth Day this week, we wanted to revisit this topic on an even broader scale. If you…

napkins and table linens

Table linen sets your holiday part ambiance

By Sitex Corp   /    Friday, November 29, 2013  /   , , , ,
With the holidays quickly approaching, everyone is sure to have a packed schedule with parties, dinner dates, office parties, and holiday get-togethers.  Nothing sets the mood of an event like the table linen and napery used.  Choosing your holiday linen selection can be difficult.  Here are a few tips for making it easier and taking…

Cleaning best practice

By Sitex Corp   /    Monday, September 13, 2010  /   , , , , ,
Once you have chosen your employee uniforms, how do you properly care for them and keep their cleaning efficient and organized? SITEX has implemented a new sorting and tracking system, SITRAX to just this. What is SITRAX: An automated sorting and tracking system using bar code and radio frequency technology. Bar code labels and radio…