Advertising with Employee Uniforms

Advertising with Employee Uniforms

By Sitex Corp   /    Wednesday, October 29, 2014  /   , , , ,
If you’re debating putting your logos or advertising on employee uniforms, think no further. Numerous studies have shown that advertising on uniforms can create and maintain brand awareness, and brand identity, which can create a positive brand image, which can directly influence consumer sales. Within industries where uniforms are commonly used, a study conducted by…

Scandals and your business

What kind of image does your business have?

By Sitex Corp   /    Friday, July 1, 2011  /   , , ,
It’s easy to check out recent media stories and take your pick of which celebrity or politician to poke fun at right now and there’s no doubt some pretty amusing jokes have come at the expense of those involved.  Just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anothy Weiner, and Tiger Woods what their IMAGES are doing for them these days. ~”Arnold…