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Why We Clean Green

By Sitex Corp   /    Wednesday, April 13, 2016  /   , , , , ,
On April 22, Earth Day will be celebrated worldwide with events, presentations, and speeches to help demonstrate support for environmental protection. This almost 50 year old event has tackled pollution, global warming, clean energy, and many other facets of environmentalism, and the fight for a sustainable future is a year-round effort. At SITEX, we are…

Greener with SITEX

Earth Day + SITEX

By Sitex Corp   /    Monday, April 20, 2015  /   , , ,
Last month, we talked about our commitment to the environment and featured one of our partners, Washing Systems, LLC, for their work in creating a safer detergent and their award for their work towards conservation. In honor of Earth Day this week, we wanted to revisit this topic on an even broader scale. If you…