safety starts with linens

Food safety, good hygiene, starts with linens

By Sitex Corp   /    Monday, December 29, 2014  /   , , , , ,
With the increasing concern with public health and safety, SITEX is committed to doing anything we can to help prevent the spread of illness. Of particular importance is an emphasis on food safety and good hygiene. The CDC estimates that 1 in 6 Americans will catch some sort of foodborne illness each year, and those…

napkins and table linens

Table linen sets your holiday part ambiance

By Sitex Corp   /    Friday, November 29, 2013  /   , , , ,
With the holidays quickly approaching, everyone is sure to have a packed schedule with parties, dinner dates, office parties, and holiday get-togethers.  Nothing sets the mood of an event like the table linen and napery used.  Choosing your holiday linen selection can be difficult.  Here are a few tips for making it easier and taking…