uniform program

3 Reasons Your Business Needs a Uniform Program

By SITEX Corp   /    Friday, October 4, 2019   /   , , , , , ,

If not having to clean, maintain, or keep your business’s uniforms ready and supplied at all times appeals to you, consider signing up for a uniform program. There’s no easier way to free up time and resources spent dealing with uniforms than to sign up for a uniform program with a high-quality, reliable provider. 

Here are the benefits of utilizing a uniform service:

1. Decreased Workload, Increased Revenue

If you’re spending less on your uniforms, laundry, and uniform management, that money goes back into the business and the community. The costs of uniform ownership are extremely high. 

There’s the: 

  • Exorbitant down payment 

Depending on the size of your workforce or the kind of work you do, quality, specialized uniforms come with a hefty price tag. Multiply that by your company size plus extras for when they get damaged or go missing, and you’re looking at thousands of dollars. 

  • Costs of laundering

A laundry service alleviates some of the strain of uniform management, but all they do is clean garments and return them to you. Damaged clothes aren’t fixed or replaced. Also, stained materials keep those stains. Over time, these issues take a toll on the employee presentation. 

  • Inflexible supply

What you buy is what you’re stuck with. If an employee loses those extra pounds, good for them, but bad for the uniform that was fitted to them. Not only will they need a new uniform, but you’re stuck with an old, used one taking up space. 

Employees come and go, lose weight and gain weight, and rip and tear uniforms throughout their time on the job. By working with a uniform provider, those issues get solved quickly and efficiently. Additionally, having a flexible supply of uniforms saves you valuable time, money, and energy.

2. Unrestricted Evolution

Times change and preferences shift. That bright yellow-black stripe design might have looked cool in the mid-2000’s, but these days employees are slow to don their bumblebee caps and smocks. 

If you own outdated uniforms, you’re stuck with the expenses, time requirements, and disposal that come with company image evolution. If you have a uniform rental service, all those hours and frustrations become a quick phone call. 

3. Preserved Time

Any investment guru will say this at least once: “Time is your most valuable asset. You can’t buy more, and once it’s gone, you can’t get it back.” This phrase applies powerfully to business owners. 

Daily demands become so numerous that keeping track of them becomes its own job. Do you really want to hassle and haggle uniform laundering, management, and modification every time one goes missing, isn’t cleaned properly, or gets damaged? 

SITEX is Here to Help 

With SITEX, you get what you need when you need it. No excuses. Our network of accredited uniform service providers utilize the latest laundering technologies in their facilities and use high-quality products. When you work with SITEX, you get the best.

Your satisfaction is the standard by which we guide our practices and set our goals. Let SITEX be your uniform solution, and we’ll make sure your every need is satisfied. Above all, SITEX is here for you. Contact us at 270-631-2231 for more information on our uniform services. 

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